
  1. Promising vaccine beats virus that causes AIDS in monkeys

    Research recently published in the journal Nature reported a major breakthrough in HIV. The Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) claims they have created a vaccine that completely eradicates the virus that causes AIDS in some monkeys. Half of the monkeys infected with SIV or simian immunodeficiency virus were free of virus after three years…

  2. Nueces – Consejos para una buena alimentación de la mujer

    Un nuevo estudio hecho a 13.800 mujeres dio como resultado que las mujeres que consumen 8 onzas o más por día de nueces, reducen de peso. Pesan menos después del estudio y disminuyen el riesgo de diabetes en un 24%.

  3. Walnuts – Tips for women. Good health

    Walnuts – Tips for women. Good health A new study of 13,800 women has found that women who consume 8 ounces or more of walnuts weighed less after the study and reduced their risk of diabetes by 24%.