
A Surge of State Abortion Restrictions Puts Providers in the Crosshairs

An article published by the Guttmacher Institute and reported in the Washington Post, cites the
enactment of 70 abortion restricting measures in 22 states since 2013, 43 in 2012 and 92 in 2011. A
three sum greater than the total enacted over the preceding decade.  The restrictions were broadly
divided into four major categories; including, targeted regulation of abortion providers, restrictions on
medical abortion, restrictions on private insurance coverage and bans on terminations 20 weeks after

The report estimates that over half of US women now reside in states with abortion restrictions,
particularly in the south and middle parts of the country and that lower income women are most
vulnerable to these newest restrictions.

The article concludes on a positive note, reporting on actions in various states which serve to improve
women’s health and access to abortion.  Including such measures as, a law in California allowing nurse
practioners and physician assistants to provide first trimester terminations, a bill to repeal telemedicine
restrictions in Arizona and in Congress the introduction, in both houses, of the Women’s Health
Protection Act, whose provisions would go a long ways towards invalidating many of the restrictions
previously discussed.


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