
  1. Smartphone Contraception

    Question Can an app replace your patients’ birth control? Response from Zara Risoldi Cochrane, PharmD, MS (January 08, 2019)[] Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions; Director, Center for Drug Information & Evidence-Based Practice, Omaha, Nebraska A mobile app designed to prevent pregnancy made headlines earlier this year when it became…

  2. Birth Control Counselors Boosts Use of IUDs

    An article, published by NPR, reported on a study in the journal Lancet which was conducted by the University of California, San Francisco and 40 Planned Parenthood facilities in 15 states. The study sought to test the hypothesis that educating health care providers about the latest long term reversible contraceptive methods would decrease the number…

  3. A Surge of State Abortion Restrictions Puts Providers in the Crosshairs

    An article published by the Guttmacher Institute and reported in the Washington Post, cites the enactment of 70 abortion restricting measures in 22 states since 2013, 43 in 2012 and 92 in 2011. A three sum greater than the total enacted over the preceding decade.  The restrictions were broadly divided into four major categories; including,…